For a little while I’ve been trying to explore techniques in photography that I’m not too experienced in. I’ve done a lot of beach location photography, and I’ve shot a lot of corporate portraits using studio flash, but until recently I’ve not ventured into using off camera flash on location. When done right the effect can really make your images pop, and once it gets dark and the sky goes deep in orange and red colours, it enables you to actually see your subject rather than just a silhouette.

It also gives you the ability to shoot long exposures and capture your subjects looking “still” rather than a blur that sorta resembles a person; this effect I really wanted to explore more. I had tried it once with Lukas Vieyra about a year ago and got some great results, but now feeling a little more knowledgeable on the technique and better equipped I got some really cool images of Lukas and his Cayman Fire Crew showing their skills and athleticism on seven mile beach well passed sunset into the dark.